Royal Society Of Edinburgh – Bacteria: the true rulers of your world, 20 August 2021

Friday 20 August 2021, 3-4pm BST

During #BiofilmWeek, as part of their ‘Curious’ summer events programme, join the Royal Society Of Edinburgh (RSE) for a discussion around how bacteria control the health of all living creatures (including you!), and what they can and cannot do. Speakers include NBIC’s Edinburgh Co-Director Professor Cait MacPhee, and NBIC partner Professor Nicola Stanley-Wall from the University of Dundee.


About this event

Who are the true rulers of our world? RSE will show you why they think tiny, invisible micro-organisms are the true leaders of everything on Earth. Through an informal chat between scientists from different disciplines, you will discover how bacteria control the health of all living creatures, and what they can or cannot do. You will realise that bacteria communicate and act as a group to be the true leaders of our world.



  • Cait MacPhee CBE FRSE FInstP FRSC, FRSB – Professor of Biological Physics University of Edinburgh and NBIC Co-Director
  • Ines Foidl – NBIC and Higgs Center Administrator, University of Edinburgh
  • Bryne Ngwenya B.Sc., PhD, FGS – Head of School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
  • Nicola Stanley-Wall FRSE FRSB FEAM, Professor of Microbiology, Head of the Division of Molecular Microbiology, University of Dundee and NBIC partner

Visit the Eventbrite page to sign up for this event.