International Outreach: from Singapore to South Africa

We are delighted to share that NBIC recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SCELSE to work together to address global biofilm challenges through collaborative projects and exchange of students and staff. NBIC has also formed a close partnership with the Singapore National Biofilms Consortium (SNBC), led by SCELSE, in order to take advantage of commercial opportunities in the area of biofilms, by driving technological advancement through collaboration.

NBIC and SNBC signed the MOU at the launch of the Consortium at the event When Microbes Mean Business in Singapore attended by the UK Deputy High Commissioner to Singapore, Ms Alexandra McKenzie, in February 2019. NBIC also sponsored three UK SMEs to attend this event and present their technologies to potential Singaporean investors at the SG-UK Partnership For the Future meeting.

When Microbes Mean Business Event

Front row (from left): Ms Alexandra McKenzie, Guest of Honour Mr Peter Ho, Prof. Lam Khin Yong, Prof. Staffan Kjelleberg, Dr Mark Richardson, Dr Lim Jui, Prof. Jeremy Webb.

MOU signed between NBIC and SNBC

From left: Dr Mark Richardson (CEO, NBIC), Prof. Lam Khin Yong (SNBC Chairman; Vice-President of Research, NTU), Mr George Loh (Director, Programmes, National Research Foundation).

Visit to CBE in the USA

Members of NBIC with Professor Matthew Fields, Director of CBE.

Also this month:

NBIC signed a MOU with Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Going ahead, we will establish collaborative projects and promote academic exchanges between NBIC and Stellenbosch University.

In the past:

We have already signed a MOU with the Centre for Biofilm Engineering (CBE) at Montana State University, USA (back in October 2018), and we are successfully continuing to work together to develop projects and exchanges. Further to this, NBIC have been awarded a workshop grant to bring the two groups together later in 2019 to identify fundamental challenges in the field of micro-metal interactions.

Going ahead:

We are continuing to build relationships internationally. NBIC have long standing collaborations with the Costerton Biofilm Centre in Copenhagen. NBIC are currently working on formalising a program of research and student exchange.