JoVE Video Collection on Biofilm Models

In partnership with PIPE-CF, NBIC is currently developing a peer reviewed JoVE video collection on Infection-Relevant Models for Fundamental Microbiology Research and Antimicrobial Drug Development.

The collection aims to highlight recent advances in the development and validation of infection-relevant models. It will encompass a wide variety of models, ranging from high-throughput, chemically-defined bacterial culture media that reflect host environments to models of host-pathogen interactions and advanced systems for studying drug pharmacokinetics under infection-relevant conditions.

We encourage our NBIC community to submit abstracts for this JoVE collection on biofilm models, which can be used to answer fundamental questions on mechanisms of biofilm-mediated infection and for efficacy testing of antimicrobial interventions.

JoVE Video Collection on Biofilm Models

You can find a summary of the publication process from the author’s perspective, including fees, in the authors section of the JoVE website.

Abstracts can be submitted through the collection web page (via the ‘Submit Abstract’ button beneath the collection title).

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday 15 May 2024.