Microbiology Today: Microbiology Society anniversary edition

Microbiology Today is the Microbiology Society’s membership magazine.


The magazine aims to provide informative and enjoyable broad-interest articles for all readers, including parliamentarians and policy-makers. Each issue focuses on a topic, and topics are chosen with the aim of covering all fields of microbiology.

The theme of this special anniversary edition of Microbiology Today is ‘Why Microbiology Matters’, and it includes seven sections containing articles that provide examples of the many ways microbiology is important to our lives and the world around us.

In particular, this edition includes a great series of short articles, ‘Unlocking the world of microbiomes: exploring microbial communities’Research into the microbiome has evolved over time, allowing us to study microbial communities, genes and proteins in more depth. This section considers some of the interactions between microbial life and their environments in this developing area of science, with contributions from NBIC partners, Dr Lindsay Hall from the Hall lab and Professor Sharon Huws from Queens University Belfast.