Cardiff University Seminar: Systems Biology Approaches to the Role of Oxidative Stress in Chronic Wounds, 18th November 2021
Join Cardiff University for the next webinar in their School of Medicine Science Seminar Series.
Date and time: Thursday 18 November 2021, 16:00 – 17:00 GMT
Professor Manuela Martins-Green Science Seminar Talk: Systems Biology Approaches to the Role of Oxidative Stress in Chronic Wounds
Chronic wounds develop as a result of defective regulation of the complex molecular and cellular processes involved in proper healing; the cost of treating chronic wounds has been estimated to be $30 billion annually, worldwide. Notwithstanding, very little is know about the cell and molecular mechanisms that initiate chronicity. We have identified Oxidative Stress (OS) as a crucial factor in inducing chronicity. Moreover, without increased OS levels, biofilm taken from chronic wounds and placed in a freshly made excision wounds is unable to create chronic wounds. Similarly, high OS levels in the wound tissue in the absence of the skin microbiome do not lead to chronic wounds. These findings show that both high levels of OS and bacteria are needed for initiation and development of wound chronicity. Treating these wounds could be accomplished by managing OS combined with manipulation of the skin microbiome, after debridement.
Manuela Martins-Green is a Professor of Cell Biology in the Department of Molecular, Cell and Systems Biology at the University of California, Riverside, and Vice-President of Research for the Wound Healing Foundation. Professor Martins-Green is an internationally recognised expert in the field of response to injury, wound healing and tissue engineering and she pioneered the role of chemokines in wound healing and angiogenesis. Her research has been funded by NCI, NIGMS, NAIAD, AHA, and TRDRP.
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