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Harnessing the UK’s Academic & Industrial Strength in Biofilms

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we are


Harnessing the UK’s Academic & Industrial Strength in Biofilms

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Advancing Frontiers by Working Together

The National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC) is an Innovation Knowledge Centre (IKC) funded by BBSRC and Innovate UK. 

Our Mission

Driving global leadership at the forefront of research, training and innovation in biofilm technologies, by addressing the grand challenges important to the UK’s future prosperity​.


A vibrant cross-sectoral community providing opportunities for research collaboration and innovation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our research, how we can help, promoting your opportunities or working with us and becoming a partner, please get in touch.

Building a Global Community

Facilitating national and international engagement and collaboration in biofilms through our networks.

Industrial Partners

Research Partners

Proof of Concept Projects

The Next Generation of Scientific Leaders

Training and developing the future generation of scientific leaders through our PhD and Post-Doctoral programs and by providing extensive opportunities for entrepreneurial training.

Join Our Community

Working with over 100 businesses and world leading experts in biofilm research to accelerate the commercial development of new solutions, products and services.

Join us in our mission to tackle and catalyse innovation in biofilms.

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