Partner Universities and Institutes

Discover NBIC academic research partners, their key areas, leading scientists and the cutting-edge facilities available. Click on the individual partner logos to learn more about each institution. 


Click on the partner logos to learn more about each institution.

Plymouth Marine Laboratory

Antifouling technology development / Marine coating testing / Bacterial quorum sensing

Quadram Institute Bioscience

Impact of phenotypic heterogeneity of clones within biofilms on community survival / Biofilm physico-chemical characterisation

University of Sheffield

Biofilm development in chronic wounds / Biofilm in oral disease / Disruption and treatment of corneal biofilm

University of Birmingham

Individual-based and differential equation based modelling of bacterial population dynamics and biofilm development

University of Dundee

Molecular Microbiology / Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery / Antibiotic Stewardship / Surface Modification

University of Cambridge

Current production from photosynthetic cells as biofilms (or in suspension) / Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

University of Leeds

Developing laboratory models of oral biofilms / Identifying factors that drive dysbiosis

University of Portsmouth

High throughput methods for the assessment of anti-biofilm technologies / Marine biofilmst

UWE Bristol

Modelling biofilms / dual species biofilms / phage-treatment of biofilms / use of bioluminescent reporters

James Hutton Institute

Plant-microbe interactions / Molecular microbiology / Environmental microbiology / Food quality / Nanomaterials

University of St Andrews

Biofilm disruption and detection / Discovery of novel anti-biofilm compounds / Natural biofilm development / Role of biofilm in disease

Liverpool John Moores University

Effects of the physical environment on biofilms / Mechanosensitive properties of bacteria and biofilms through low-frequency acoustic stimulation

University of Surrey

AMR development and transmission / Biofilms on real surfaces (organic and inorganic) / Biofilm control and intervention in disease / Biofilm communitesrters

Manchester Metropolitan University

Biofilms / Surfaces / Interfaces / Antimicrobial / Antiadhesive / Food / Biomaterials

Imperial College London

Molecular Microbiology of Biofilm formation, Dispersal / Bacterial communication, chemotaxis and signalling.

University of Bath

Biofilm ecology and evolution / Development of anti-biofilm drugs and novel biofilm disruptors

Aberystwyth University

Biorefining, plant-microbe interactions and fundamental microbiology

British Geological Survey

Biofilms in engineered subsurface environments, including carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS), gas storage, geothermal and radioactive waste

University of Bradford

Prevent bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation through surface engineering approaches and the creation of antibacterial/non-fouling surfaces

Heriot Watt University

Information coming soon.

Edinburgh Napier University

Information coming soon.

Cardiff University

Characterisation and management of clinically relevant biofilms/microbial interactions in biofilms/impact of the local environment on biofilm behaviour.

University of Manchester

Biofilms in wounds / In vitro modelling / Human microbiome research / Drug resistance / Advanced materials in medicine / Experimental evolution / Geomicrobiology / Biophysics/ Microrheology / Electrical signalling

Newcastle University

Biofilm dispersal / Oral Biofilms / Bacterial cell growth / Marine biofouling / Computational modelling / Biomineralization of concrete / Nanobiomechanics / Antibiofilm surfaces

Nottingham Trent University

Antimicrobials / Biofilm models / Formulation of inks and coatings / Electrostatic spray coating of nanomaterials / Synthesis of nanofibre materials and coatings

Aston University

Development and characterisation of bioactive materials that provide a controlled localised released of antimicrobial ions to prevent infections and the formation of biofilms

University of Hull

Skin microbiome / In vitro & ex vivo biofilm modelling / Wound microbiome / Marine biofilms

Swansea University

Host immune cell interactions with biofilms / Bacterial adhesion and colonisation of Medical devices / Novel and natural antimicrobials to treat biofilms

University of York

Interdisciplinary research- applying non-biological expertise to understand biofilms / Anaerobic microbial communities / Biofilms in polymicrobial communities; phage effects on biofilms

King's College London

Information coming soon.

University of Oxford

Biofilm engineering- scalable in-situ gene transfer in established biofilms / Anaerobic digestion for biogas production / Biofuel production from non-food crops

University of Warwick

Biofilms in chronic infections / Biofilm susceptibility testing – existing and novel agents / Advanced bioimaging – confocal and electron microscopy

University of Kent

Biofilm formation and treatment on medical implants / Microbial and animal models / Antifouling polymers / Biofilm sensors / Biofilms as biotechnology platforms / Biophysical properties of biofilms.

Loughborough University

Bio-inspired slippery antibiofilm surfaces / Multiscale biofilm mechanics / Multiscale biofilm imaging / Biofilm modeling/ Developing novel antibacterials.

University of Bristol

Bio-inspired and biomimetic materials to combat biofilm formation / Chlorhexidine-based materials science technologies to combat infections

University of Huddersfield

Biopolymer science / EPS analysis and characterisation / Probiotic evaluation (immunological) / Biofilm cultivation and eradication / Biofilm community analysis

Queen Mary Univeristy of London

Information coming soon.

Cranfield University

Biofilms in soil, water and wastewater / flow cytometry / algae biofilm interactions / antimicrobial resistance / sensors

University of East Anglia

Biofilms and colonisation / Biofilms and drug targeting

University of Glasgow

Oral microbiology / Microbiome analysis from complex infections / Medical myclogy / Anti-bioiflm agents / Inflammatory models of biofilm disease.

De Montfort University

Host-pathogen biofilm models / Natural product treatments / Preventing healthcare textile biofilms / Biomimetics for detection

Canterbury Christ Church University

We are developing non-pathogenic biofilms as sustainable and biodegradable biomaterials.

University of Exeter

Biofilm communities in chronic wounds / Biofilms in disease – prevention and eradication / Nanoscale monitoring of surfaces / Membrane (photo) bioreactors

Keele University

Investigate alternative chemicals/agents for anti-bacterial, anti-biofilm, anti-fouling / New techniques to chemically bind these new agents to implants or industrial products.

Lancaster University

Antimicrobial surfaces/ plasma technologies/ biofilms and pathogens/ composite biomaterials/ vibrational & surface spectroscopy/ biofilm processes and characteristics​.

Earlham Institute

EI host the UK National Capability in Genomics promoting the application of genomics and bioinformatics to advance bioscience research and innovation.

University of Sussex

Information coming soon.

Brunel university london

Understanding the regulatory networks that control biofilm formation in bacteria and developing strategies to manipulate these networks.

durham university

Information coming soon.

Glasgow Caledonian University

Glasgow Caledonain University biofilm research brings together a multi-disciplinary team combining expertise in microbiology, cell biology and food science.

liverpool school of tropical medicine

Testing efficacy of compounds / coatings and strategies for biofilm prevention / dispersal and eradication.

Sheffield Hallam University

Sheffield Hallam University has a coordinated approach to preventing biofilm formation through antimicrobial surfaces, formation mechanisms, and clinical diagnostics and monitoring.

University of Essex

Biofouling remediation / biofilm imaging / ecologically relevant and extreme biofilms / effects of stressors and photodynamics on biofilm assembly / antimicrobial biofilm resistance.

teesside university

Application of state-of-the-art techniques to understand pathogensis and drug resistance in order to develop diagnostics and control complex microbial communities.

university of aberdeen

We utilise infection models, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and microscopy to study drug resistant human fungal pathogens to identify therapeutic targets.

University of Hertfordshire

Our research centres reflect our strengths in Biofilm and Microbial research and have close links with professional organisations and other research institutions.


The University supports biofilms research / development, and innovation projects with regional and global relevance across multiple sectors.

University of Lincoln

Understanding biofilm in food and food environment / Detection of biofilm within food processing equipment / Control and eradication of biofilm development and adhesion.


Drug discovery from natural sources / Bioassay-guided fractionation and Molecular docking studies of natural products with antibiofilm activity.

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