Newcastle University

Research Areas & Focuses

  1. Biofilm dispersal using EPS degrading enzymes
  2. Oral Biofilms
  3. Bacterial cell growth, cell surface properties, nutrient assimilation and antibiotic mode of action
  4. Marine biofouling
  5. Computational modelling
  6. Biomineralization of concrete
  7. Nanobiomechanics of bacteria and biofilms
  8. Antibiofilm surfaces and bacteria-materials interactions

Department Link

Marine Biofouling

Newcastle University

For enquiries, please contact Nick Jakubovics.


Grant Burgess, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Jinju (Vicky) Chen, School of Engineering
Tony Clare, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Richard Daniel, Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology
Ian Head, School of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Nick Jakubovics, School of Dental Sciences
Dana Ofiteru, School of Engineering