University of Essex

Research Areas & Focuses

  1. Engineering biofilms for biofouling remediation
  2. Impact of multiple interacting stressors on biofilm assembly
  3. Long-term, non-invasive imaging of biofilm formation
  4. Extreme biofilms: halophilic and cryotolerant communities
  5. Microalgae (diatom) biofilm ecology and physiology
  6. Biofilms and planktonic communities in oil-tar sands
  7. Antimicrobial resistance in bacterial biofilms
  8. Photodynamic effects against biomedically relevant biofilms

Department Link

School of Life Sciences

University of Essex

For enquiries, please contact Philippe Laissue.


Nick Aldred, School of Life Sciences
Vassily Bavro, School of Life Sciences
Alex Dumbrell, School of Life Sciences
Philippe Laissue, School of Life Sciences
Tracy Lawson, School of Life Sciences
Terry McGenity, School of Life Sciences
Boyd McKew, School of Life Sciences
Graham Underwood, School of Life Sciences
Corinne Whitby, School of Life Sciences