Parliament for Researchers – exploring select committee evidence

Wednesday 9 June 2021, 14:00-15:00pm UK time
Build on your knowledge about the work of select committees!
Join this focused, practical online training session to explore how select committees use research findings and expertise as evidence, and how you as a researcher can engage. The role of committee specialist advisors will also be covered.
This event is hosted by the UK Parliament’s Knowledge Exchange Unit with expert speakers from House of Commons and House of Lords select committee offices. The session is focused on practical information and advice, with opportunities for Q&A.

Please note there is a short pre-requisite activity for this session of no more than 10 minutes; you will receive details of this with your joining instructions.

As a result of the training you will:

  • know how select committees find and use evidence, particularly research evidence
  • understand the role and work of a specialist advisor
  • know how you as a researcher can usefully and impactfully contribute evidence to committees
  • know where to go for further support

The session will be recorded and available to watch on the UK Parliament website afterwards.

Sign up to this event via Eventbrite.